Amazon Great Indian Festival sale has entered its fourth day for all users in India. It brings lucrative deals on a wide range of products across categories such as smartphones, tablets, wearables, electronics, home appliances, and more. In our listicle of top deals on home theatres, we have provided comprehensive information about the top options to consider from 2.1 and 5.1 channel home theatres. However, if only the latter is on your mind, then our latest compilation of the best deals on 5.1 channel home theatre systems might come in handy.
A notable deal is live on the Sony HT-S40R. This 5.1-channel home theatre system boasts features such as wireless rear speakers, Dolby Audio, 600W power output, and multiple audio modes. During the Amazon Great Indian Festival sale, it can be purchased for as low as Rs. 20,490 against its MRP of Rs. 34,990. Similar deals are live on 5.1 channel home theatre systems from boAt, Govo, and Zebronics.
In addition to direct price cuts, buyers can also take advantage of exchange deals and coupon discounts to further lower the price of the products. Amazon is also offering a 10 percent instant discount on SBI debit, credit card, and EMI transactions. There are also coupon discounts of up to Rs. 5,000 on select products during the Amazon Great Indian Festival 2024.
Best Deals on 5.1 Channel Home Theatre Systems During Amazon Sale
Product Name | List Price | Effective Sale Price | Amazon Link |
Sony HT-S40R | Rs. 34,990 | Rs. 20,490 | Buy Now |
Zebronics Juke Bar 9900 | Rs. 84,999 | Rs. 21,990 | Buy Now |
Mivi Fort Q700D | Rs. 74,999 | Rs. 10,699 | Buy Now |
Govo GoSurround 990 | Rs. 36,999 | Rs. 9,999 | Buy Now |
Panasonic SC-HT550GW | Rs. 29,999 | Rs. 13,499 | Buy Now |
Sony HT-S20R | Rs. 23,990 | Rs. 13,500 | Buy Now |
Zebronics Zeb-Juke Bar 9500WS Pro | Rs. 48,999 | Rs. 8,500 | Buy Now |
BoAt Aavante Bar 5500DA | Rs. 59,990 | Rs. 15,998 | Buy Now |
Govo GoSurround 955 | Rs. 19,999 | Rs. 5,499 | Buy Now |
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